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意识流氓,应用文盲>>> 混了半辈子好不容易混出个洋名,一不小心被人咬定我不是酒保,而是个卖伟哥的>>>>>>>>>> 自以为潇洒时感疲累,自以为聪明常被自己愚昧,自以为认真生活多为生活玩味,自以为诚恳待人易遭人误会>>>

The Magic of the Wizards Dream绮梦之幻  

2010-01-21 22:36:50|  分类: 百龄谈 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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 In those silent shades of grey在那些静默的光影下

I will find a place我要找到一处地方

To escape the endless night逃离这无止境的黑夜

To find a new sun找到新的太阳


I know which is my fate我知道这是我的天命

Bond to Erian's old tale去与伊利亚传奇连结

I'll be always there我将永远在那里

Fighting the ancient sin同那自古以来的罪恶决斗

Moon shine in this eternal night月光洒落在这永恒之夜


Angels are calling天使正在呼唤

From divine lost crystal realms失落而神圣的水晶之域

Riding from heaven她从天堂而来

For the magic of the wizard's dream为了这绮梦之幻


In the misty lights of dawn光线穿越了黎明的薄雾

Between heart and soul自埃尔加德心灵与精神的呼唤

Elgard's calling for new hope为了新的希望

To avoid our fall让我们脱离那堕落吧


I know which is my fate我知道这是我的天命

Bond to Erian's old tale去与伊利亚传奇相连结

I'll be always there我将永远在那里

Fighting the ancient sin同那自古以来的罪恶决斗

Moon shine in this eternal night月光洒落在这永恒之夜


Angels are calling天使正在呼唤

From divine lost crystal realms失落而神圣的水晶之域

Riding from heaven她从天堂而来

For the magic of the wizard's dream为了这绮梦之幻  


Angels are calling天使正在呼唤

From divine lost crystal realms失落而神圣的水晶之域

Riding from heaven她从天堂而来

For the magic of the wizard's dream为了这绮梦之幻

the wizard's dream绮梦之幻 

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